Friday, January 1, 2010

My dearest icon.

My dear little chat icon, oh how I wish you would turn green. You simply cannot understand the endless frustration and hours that I spend, going on and off of the computer, checking to see if you had changed within the last five minutes. It drives me crazy, waiting for you to come online...

Oh oh oh oh. It's green! It's green! IT'S GREEN! But NOW I'm miserable because I don't know what to say. I don't know whether I'll sound too needy or if I'll sound too casual. Is "hi" really the safe way to go, or should I open with something fresh and dar... Oh wait.. what?

No no no no. Don't do this to me. It's just a malfunction, something's obviously gone wrong. I've gone color blind, my computer has suddenly stopped showing the color green, something else...Damn it.

You're offline again.

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