Friday, January 1, 2010

New beginnings?

I thought it might be nice to write about this occasion. I don't know why- I find New Years hard. I tried to write about this earlier, and came up short. What is that saying? "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." That drives me crazy. What ever happened to "I don't want to"? That has been floating in my thoughts for days. Relentlessly. I have had to fight myself off to even walk out my front door. Anyway, I will save that for another time. New years... I could always write something with some sort of artistic value, and hope that it spreads inspiration- but who am I kidding? It is almost 3am. It's not happening.

So...I will leave you with my hope. My hope is that this new year of 2010 is everything you hope for. Filled with joy and new discoveries. My wish, is that you find comfort. Contentment. Picture perfect moments. Love in all aspects.

Goodnight, and Happy 2010.

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