Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life is not fair.

I started writing a post about the fairness of life back in October. I fought with myself forever, attempting to come to a conclusion... so, I stopped. I stopped worrying about it, and I stopped trying to understand. It has almost been 6 months, and now I am here to finish.

Is life fair? In the moment of pain, sadness, anger, or heartbreak we all have said the simple phrase that seems to make the most sense "Life is not fair."
I have fallen short, and have been been quick to judge the world, instead of looking to myself for the blame.
Life is a journey, and by no means is it easy.

But let me tell you is not fair.

Maybe things are the way they are just because everything is what it is- but that makes it no easier. What is really unfortunate and very unfair though, is our unwillingness to help one another. We are all in this world, and we all have to suffer- and for you to ignore that simple fact is selfish. Who are you to say you suffer more than the next person? We all have a mountain to climb, and we each climb it at different speeds, but it is our job to ensure that everyone reaches the top.

Life is not fair, and maybe a small part of you can take refuge in that. The world is not out to get you, so you can't let self destruction ruin you.

Self pity will radiate arrogance.

Love, and be loved.
Happy spring.

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