Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Size doesn't matter.

What does it mean to be humble? Humble people should be the role models of society. I used to think I was humble. Turns out I was not wrong, I was only mistaken.

Things were going swimmingly until Monday morning. Before this, I was building confidence up by speaking my mind. I had it down pat. I was talking to everyone without so much as a stutter. Unfortunately this translated into too much of a good thing. Something that would soon have my wallet lighter by $136 dollars, and my soul out a bit of dignity. Yes, I am talking about speeding. This may seem like a minor issue to some people. People who actually try to NOT break the law. But, I did. Haha, come to think about it, I saw the cop car nudge forward a bit, and I actually came to a complete halt in my lane to “prevent” this officer of the law from stealing from me, but thats beside the point. Anywhoo... Driving turns me into a whole other person. It’s like, when I'm behind the wheel, a fire ignites and fuels my ego into something in the realm of an asshole. But when I saw the flashing blue and red lights, I knew I had been caught. It was inevitable. Someone like me had to be stopped. Who better to do it then the cops? I didn’t even bother to beg for mercy. I knew I needed this. This was good. My ego was officially popped. I couldn’t even bear to keep it in whilst I said good morning to my grandfather. I just bawled. Realizing my foolishness, I could not stand to look at him, while he was thinking I was still the boy he thought I was. Because I wasn’t. I was just a stupid egotistical coward who could only attack people from inside a barrier of 3000 pounds of metal. After the tears came an epiphany. I finally realized that hey, maybe I should actually start putting a little bit more effort into life, and maybe, just maybe, I may start to reap what I sow.

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