Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It was late in the day when the woman awoke, lazily blinking away sleep from the crevices of her eyes. She noted that her gown was torn, and upon sitting up, that the entire contents of her room were in disarray. She shed the dress, and pattering into the bathroom, ran a hot shower. There she stood, letting the hot water sink into her bones. It was only until a few minutes later that the shuddering of her shoulders signified anything out of the ordinary. Then came the sobs, the pressing gulps of air, and the complete collapse of the woman onto the floor. There she sat, arms curled around her body as if in protection. Her hands fumbled, searching for a band around her finger. They fluttered as if grasping onto that ring would give her reassurance, certainty. It was only until the water had begun to run cold did the woman get up.
She put on some dry clothes and slowly, methodically, began the long process of cleaning up her apartment.

Well, what she considered to be her apartment.

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