Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hello everyone.

It has been a long time since I really wrote anything with real substance here. So, I thought I would write something tonight...straight from my own dysfunctional mind. I have been totally bummed out for a solid 3 months and I am not totally sure why. I think it is just this time of year that makes me feel this way. It is too hectic. I have way too much to do, and I am just not getting enough support. But how can you even bother asking anyone for anything, when 90% of the population is just as busy as you are. So...I move forward and life goes on.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is for me to share something interesting that popped into my mind 5 minutes ago.

Do you ever have a moment where you think that you must be going crazy? That you honestly must be losing you mind to be in the state that you are in? The good news, is that if you are actually going crazy you will be the last one to know. Isn't that awesome? For everyones viewing pleasure I decided to look up the definition of crazy on Urban Dictionary.

1) insane,psycho,high,loony,absolutely awsome,free-willed

2)often used by people to describe what they do not understand or think is not how something or someone should be and or act

I think I am done with this post. Sorry to get you excited for something awesome. The font has changed all of a sudden, and I am unsure of which font I was using before. Oh well.

Happy Friday night everyone!

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