Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who holds your key?

So, I was supposed to write a blog today. Today is Tuesday, and it was a long day. I did not have a free moment until now- and finally when I received this free time to sit and write to you- I was quickly scrambling for ideas. Rushing is never an answer. I remained blank. Anyway, I went to search through some artwork- and I came out inspired!

I have always been intrigued by pictures that represent freedom. It is interesting, because they all can be so different. The lock and key- a perfect representation of captivity and freedom. Such large, and complicated states of living brought together. Who holds your key? This is the question that flashes through my thoughts.

We as people, are quick to place the blame away from ourselves. It is just the way it is. It is a talent we must learn over time, to be able to accept the things we cannot change. Pain is inevitable.

Nobody broke your heart. You broke your own. — Elliott Smith

We each have a heart, and we each hold a key. Danger will come, but you just have to trust that you know where your heart is, and trust that you will remember where you put the spare key.

When you got hurt, it made you beautiful. The cracks around your heart, they let the light shine through. When you got hurt in pieces on the floor, put them back together even better than before.
— John Mayer

That is all I have for now. There was going to be more...Perhaps I will make this a 2 part post.
Goodnight everyone!

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