Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pen Recommendation....

There has not been a post here in a while. So... for the sake of this blog, and to purely entertain myself on this cold Saturday night....I will write. I still have a little bit of time before midnight- when my brain shuts off and I can't think or spell properly anymore.

What is there to talk about? Well, nothing. So I will just talk about the thing that rocks my world- or at least puts a smile on my face.

*Drum roll*

The Sharpie Pen.

Firstly, who doesn't love writing in Sharpie? It sort of makes you feel badass. Or at least that is how I feel. It's like "Hey world, I am going to damage you with my permanent marker." You know...whatever. But what do you do with paper? Sharpie just bleeds through and makes a mess. It was a disappointment until.....du du duuuu- The Sharpie pen. I don't even know when these things came out. Summer 2009 or sometime around that. I just remember seeing the commercial and becoming extremely excited. And as a North American consumer... of course I went to the store and bought one.

It is awesome. It is the ultimate pen. It doesn't make a mess, so you can write to your hearts content....on both sides of the paper! This pen also rocks for drawing. I haven't used anything else to draw with since I got this pen. I could go on forever. But I will stop.

I love this pen. And for all you creative will love it too.
Buy one.

Happy December 12.

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