Saturday, November 14, 2009

Reasons Why to Date a Band Student.

- we are quick learners
- we work well under pressure
- we like to take it slow, but we are masters at speeding things up
- we'll teach you the right ombrachure
- by the time you're done, you'll be hitting all the high notes
- we've got our horns blowing the right notes, soon we'll be blowing yours
- you don't need to worry about right notes, only right rhythym
- we're master at sliding things into place
- we'll get your tonguing up to speed
- I'll let you enter MY practice room...
- I'll teach you all the modes of my scale ;)
- your tongue won't be the only thing fluttering
- we'll go up to a practice room so I can show off my horn
- we're great with group projects
- I've got a pencil for you
- we'll get you pushing all the right buttons in no time
- I'm great at improvising
- I'll lube your instrument for you
- MY reed isn't chipped
- Bass players have bigger equipment
- we are good with our hands
- we can give it everything we've got for an hour and then give you one more if you scream our name loud enough
- we are always up for the encore
- we're great with fingering
- we'll strike the right chord
- we can show you a real trill
- we don't stop till it's done
- we're used to pleasing an audience
- we're very accurate
- no objections to PERFORMING in front of an audience
- by the time we're done, you'll be cheering for more
- we can tongue and finger at the same time
- we practice our lip action daily
- And of course, we know how to blow, hard.

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