Sunday, October 25, 2009

You're what happens when two substances collide.

The other day, I was confronted with an interesting question: is God perfect? I mean, if he had created an army of angels to do his bidding, why did Lucifer become so drunk with the idea of power that he turned against God? And if God knew our potential to sin, why did He create us? Why on earth, are we on earth? If He knows how things are going to turn out, why haven't already been judged, based on what would happen inevitabely? As you can see, questioning God's perfection poses a number of other questions. But I can assure you that the answer is far simpler. The answer is something that each and every one of us believes in.

The answer - well, it's love.

God had so much love inside of Him, that He needed to share it with another. And here we are. He knew that we were less than perfect, in fact, He knew perfectely well that we would be much like Him - cold, lonely, and insecure. However, God also believed that no matter how we felt most of the time, that love would make it all worthwhile.
But if God knew that we were going to turn out flawed, why didn't he change that beforehand? And here is where I ask you: don't you ever remember falling in love with someone that you knew was an awful influence on you, but you did it anyways? Exactly. Simliarily, a mother loves her child, no matter what happens. She loves him - bruises, scrapes, and all. She loves him, no matter how imperfect he is. Because in her eyes, he's perfect just the way he is.

So I ask you once more, is God perfect? And in turn, are we perfect?

I don't know, and probably never will. But really, what is perfect? What is perfection but an illogical distorted ideal that all of us strive towards? If we stopped being so farsighted and instead focused on the present moment, we'd realize that the world is perfect just the way it is. Bruises, scrapes, and all. Because no matter what happens, there will always be love. And love, well, that's perfection.

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