Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is Being Rich all it's Cracked up to Be?

"When I see you, I'm rich."

This was the very touching end to a winning-the-lottery conversation I had with my grandparents today. My grandpa (Yes, the same one that I talked about in my earlier post) told me this, and it immediately sparked a blog seed in my mind. Is there more to being rich than just having piles of money? The answer: is different for everyone. To some closed minded person, yes it's all about the doe. This is their idea of happy, and there is nothing wrong with that. Money can spell happiness, but eventually the excitement wears off, as do most things. I, on the other hand, have a different point of view that I'm sure you share. Being rich means many things. It's whatever makes you happy. Music, dance, art, athletics, etcetera, etcetera. So you may ask " If all these things spell h.a.p.p.y, why are there people who think that money, drugs or alcohol spell this same word?" Truth be told, these are immature people. People who have not experienced the pleasurable 'high' you can receive from doing something you love. People who would rather sacrifice their own health and well-being for a quick-fix of pleasure. Pleasure that comes at a price, literally. These people can be helped, only if they want to receive this help and jump back into reality. The high you get from playing an instrument, singing, drawing and so on is much greater than one from drugs. And hey, it doesn't kill you. What could be better?

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