Thursday, October 22, 2009

"I'm fine, really."

People are fascinating. On the outside, they're all the same: pretty words, pretty faces. But take a step back, and suddenly it's a whole different story. People are mountains of energy, thoughts, and force condensed into one tiny little body. We all try to find a way somehow to cope with these things called emotions. Most of us express our emotions in tiny bits and pieces - a bit while talking to our friends, some more while driving to work. Yet, there are also those of us who completely and utterly submerse ourselves into life , exude passion and love in everything that we do. No matter how you express yourself, one thing is clear: we humans are so unbelievably capable of emotion. It is something that nothing else on the entire planet possesses quite like we do.

One emotion that stands out quite peculiarly from all the others is passion - it is what we use to create, and at the same time, it has incredible power to destroy. When we use this passion - this thirst - for life and everything that is entails, we are capable of amazing things. Think about any big-time artist, musician, writer or star that has made it big. They all are talented to some degree, but no matter what they do, they share one thing in common: passion. You don't love the musicians that you do because they are talented; rather, it's the passion that they exude out of every pore that pulls you to them. When you're at a concert, screaming along with everyone else, it's watching them become so immersed in what they do that leaves you breathless by the end of the night; not the fact that they played every single note correctly. Quite the opposite can happen as well. Sometimes, we may feel so infatuated by something, that there seems like there's no reprise. We can't eat, we can't sleep. Suddenly, this passion becomes ugly and horrible. It transforms into lust, into hatred, into greed. We walk a fine line between passion and obsession, and once you've been swallowed by obsession, it takes a lot of effort to go back. Passion can make or break us. We all seek to understand why we feel what we do, yet many of us are unsure to go about escaping this uncertainty. We seek passion to create, to love. But when have we gone too far? When a love of acting suddenly does makes you mentally unstable? When does falling in love lead you to become obsessive and needy?

We walk a tightrope in everything we do in life. Passion can either give you wings to get there faster, or it can be a set of weights chained to your ankles. It's your choice. Make it a good one.

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