Friday, October 30, 2009

.- -. --- - .... . .-. / ..-. .-. .- -- . / --- ..-. / -- .. -. -..

All of us question everything, whether we want to or not. And at some point and time, we, as people come up with these things called "opinions." And when you have enough of these "ideas," people think that you've grown up.

Want to hear what I think?

Everything that happens is just a giant manifestation of the subconscious. Our bodies are just the vessels in which we perform what must be done from day to day. We confuse our bodies with images of self - we think of ourselves as a separate, but really we are just part of one whole. And seeing as such, we are therefore each separated although really are just part of the same mind, the "higher power," so to speak. All the objects which we touch, see and smell everyday - they're just byproducts of this higher manifestation. We each want to express the feelings that we have in a productive, outward force. So we dream. We create. A strange twist on our already strange existence.

It's all in our head, but who's to say that it isn't real?

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