Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello stranger.

You are the most beautiful person I have ever met -
when I see your eyes, the depth behind them entrances me,
when you smile, I see the broken heart that forms it.
You are perfect,
you are smart,
you make me believe in the good.
I may not know you,
but I would trust you with my life.
I love you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

HELP! i've lost my brain -
have you seen it anywhere?
it's pinkish, and soft, and it has all sorts of wonderful
thoughts, ideas, and memories inside.
if you look closely maybe you'll see when my daddy
and i dug for worms in the back-yard -
these long, magestic worms that oozed so pleasantly between
my tiny four-year-old fingers.
or maybe you'll find the time when I gave my doll a haircut
and then dyed her barbie hair green with markers....
oh.. no? sorry miss. make sure to keep an eye out!

excuse me, sir -
have you seen my brain anywhere?
The last time i saw it was when... don't go sir!
i'm not crazy, i swear i left it somewhere..

have you seen a missing brain lying around anywhere?
if you look inside you'll see the time when i was on vacation
in mexico with my family; and out of the blue I decided to hop onto a bus
and go into town all by... i understand you are busy, but you have to understand,
it's my BRAIN i'm missing

excuse me -
(a sharp breath as i look up, only to see YOU
here, with your floppy hair and sunflower eyes, holding my brain ...
and my heart)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Touch the one you love.
Love the skin that envelops the hungry wanter.
Want the life that life gives you.
Live to feel the simple ecstasy of half-forgotten dreams.
Dream of a technicolor reality where death sings us lullabies.
Happy, sad. Sleep, awake. Blink, look. Laugh.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Absolute Harmony

In the serenity of the restless leaves, I feel love.
Beautiful colours swirl around as the wind hits me with gentle force.
This is the absolute harmony, and it is alive.